Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sorority Mascot Hoodie Supplies

Sorority Mascot Hoodie 
I'm warning you now. This craft is too ridiculous for those of you who aren't 100% devoted to your sorority's mascot. We Dphie's have the unique honor of calling the UNICORN our International mascot. This is a fact I love, and sport unicorns whenever possible. 

Tomorrow we will make a Unicorn Mascot Hoodie together! 

Here's what you'll need:
  • Hoodie
  • Sewing Machine (you could use hot glue, but it won't last long and you can't wash it)
  • Polyfil Stuffing
  • Fabric Scraps in Purple and Gold
  • Scrap ribbon
  • Matching thread
Time: 1 hour

Yesssssss! This will be so fun!

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