Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Image and Reputation Week: Shoulders

"Sit up straight!"

How many times have your heard that from your mom, grandmother, aunt, etc? This harping on your posture is honestly for your own good. As a woman in my mid-twenties I am starting to see why I was told to push my shoulders back and hold my head up.

Its about two things: Confidence and your health.

People, namely women, are looked at as unconfident when they slouch. They are literally caving in, into themselves. When your body is telling you to cave in, it makes it so much harder for you to stand up and impress.

Try sitting up as if you are trying to touch your shoulder blades together, and watch your brain and your body start to wake up. As you talk to your interviewer or a PNM at Recruitment, try turning your shoulders squared towards them. You'll actively engage in conversation far better than you would with bad posture.

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