Maybe you dress alike so others can tell which branch you belong to. You wander around looking for a familiar face, and try to avoid a few you haven't called back in a while. What?! You're busy!
When you finally find your Little, she's stressed out trying to arrange a family photo that can accommodate the entire group. The fact that you showed up gives her back her sanity, and the two of you work together to find the best photo op.
Grandlittles, Great Grandlittles, Great Great Grandlittles, Great Great Great Grandlittles (yes, it makes me feel old), pop out of the woodwork and tell you stories about how the sorority is without you. It's kind of nice to know you are missed.
The event itself is kind of like a circus: games and chaos. But, the moment the Littles and Bigs are revealed still gives you goosebumps. It makes you nostalgic for your days matching up with your Littles. The laughter, the tears, the punches in the arm because you lied and said you weren't their Big alllll week just to throw them off.
Suddenly you find yourself jumping in every picture. Smiling like a fool from pride for your family.
The family photo comes and you have to stand on the roof of a truck (true story, see the picture below) so you can stack yourself just right at the top of your family tree. The photo is almost overwhelming. This is your legacy. These women are the future of your chapter. These women are the face of your international organization. And dang, we look FINE!
There is nothing more in the world I would love than to have a photo like the one you have of your family. I can't get our chapter to release names. After I graduated, they started tree names. I put money that I would combine a couple of them... lol Only had 4 littles. ;)