Friday, October 4, 2013

Book Review: I Heart Recruitment - Get Motivated

Do you have a dream? I've had several dreams in my life. 

One was to work at the Alliance Theatre. Achieved it!
One was to learn to run long distances. Achieved it!
One was to lead a chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon women. Totally achieved it!

Do you think any of these dreams just magically happened? Oh no. A lot of work was put in to them.

My job at the Alliance Theatre was not handed to me. It took many years of interning and volunteering for the company to be recognized as an attractive team member. From those years spent working for free, I made myself indispensable and from that they CREATED a position for me.

Growing up, I was not the most fit kid. I didn't like vegetables. I got migraines for playing on the playground in direct sunlight. I was a bit round, and was easily winded. In college, my diet altered drastically when I realized veggies are actually really good, but working out wasn't exactly my thing. Last winter, I had reached my heaviest weight of my life and knew something had to change. I signed up for the Color Run 5k with some friends and made a plan to train to run the thing. 10 months later, I'm running 16 miles a week, lost 25 lbs., and feel great. But there has been a ton of work since that first day back in January.

Now I'm here, advising a chapter of my sorority on becoming a better version of themselves. My leadership experience ranges from coordinator to committee member to Vice President to advisor. There are too many stepping stones, bumps, and bruises to count. Let's just say I worked really dang hard to feel qualified to advise for my international organization.

Dreams are what keep people motivated when they are going through the trials and the tribulations. When you are on the brink of giving up, you remember that ultimate goal and take those last few steps. The desire to see that dream become a reality will keep you working a little longer, and keep you connected.

I think our dream is to become a healthier, stronger chapter. With this, our chapter could achieve so much more. I love what I Heart Recruitment says about defining the tangible qualities of the chapter's dream. What would it mean we could HAVE, DO, BECOME?

Define your dream, and that will keep you motivated through the hard times.

You betta work. 

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