Friday, September 20, 2013

Fear the PSL Drinking, Legging Wearing, Lilly Pulitzer Planning Sorority Girl

You can find her in every Starbucks in college towns. She keeps her SB registered Gold Card balance on the newest version of the iPhone. She frantically Instagrams pics of her first tall pumpkin spice latte as soon as her name is called out. She sits outside, shades on with her Lilly planner open and takes notes for her next chapter meeting. You sit from behind your veiled criticism, and silently laugh at how vapid she seems. 

Boy, have you got her all wrong. 

Chances are, the planner was a gift. She has always wanted one, and maybe her sisters bought it for her for working her tush off last semester. 

The notes she takes are to improve her speech when she runs for President at her next chapter meeting, because she wants to make an impact on something bigger than herself. 

The shades were found at Marshalls, and the shape was perfect. 

She is well connected, and shares her interests often on social media to always have a presence. 

And the Starbucks is the little kick she needs to make it through her 14 hour day. 

So please, stifle your giggles. This girl knows what she wants, and she works hard for it. Leaders are built by constantly improving themselves and staying current (if not surpassing trends), not by judgement. 

Next time you see her, give her a nod. That, "keep it up" nod. Maybe someone will see you being supportive and not judge you too. 

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