Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Convention Countdown: Day 29 - 29 Reasons I Am Excited for Convention 2014

1. The Location
This biennium, the Delta Phi Epsilon International Convention will be held at Walt Disney World® Resort July 24-27, 2014. The most magical place on Earth meets the most magical sisters on Earth. If you're not there, you will still feel an incredible force coming from FL... its a Deepher Bomb!

2. The Swag
Each Convention I have attended has always weighed down my t-shirt drawer, and I'm not complaining. When you check in on the first day, you will receive some light swag and your Convention booklet. (In the past, we have received t-shirts, Maidenform undergarments, pens, pins, beach mats, lanyards, etc. They really know how to welcome a sorority woman.) Besides the registration swag, there is always a hall of vendors ready to hock their wares. WARNING: Set a budget and pack light. You could end up in some serious t-shirt trance and end up breaking the bank. Make sure you know how much you are willing to spend, and always leave a little extra room in your suitcase for your treasures.

3. The Hotel
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort will be our host hotel for this summer. Its GORGEOUS! A lakeside resort themed after colonial Spain, Mexico and New Mexico. With its Mayan charm, you'll feel transported to an exotic land, and totally forget you're in FL.

4. The Bonding
Some of my favorite sorority moments were spent at past Conventions. Its more than a gathering of women who all happened to love college. There a special bond between sorority sisters you cannot miss. Attending Convention introduced me to some of my favorite Facebook "pen pals" who share my interests like running. I would have never thought to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon without having met women at Convention that also wanted to run it. Don't waste all of your free time sitting in your room or hanging with the same women you came with. Grab a chapter woman from another state and have a coffee date or head to the park. Its great to have new friends in different locations to encourage you to be your best self.

5.  The Speakers
I have an obsession with Levo League posts on Pinterest. Its a guilty pleasure of mine. My fiance thinks its just pinning, but I read so many great tips on being a better businesswoman, healthy lifestyle tips, and how to dress for success. Did you know one of the keynotes at Delta Phi Epsilon's International Convention 2014 is Amanda Pouchot, co-founder of Levo League? She will be leading two keynotes, including our opening General Session. I can't wait to hear her thoughts on Innovation. There are more speakers, but I'll save that for another post.

6. The Staff
Have you actually met the women who run our International Headquarters? I mean in person, and not through email? They're pretty impressive women, and a pleasure to know! They are personable, and not scary like you would anticipate. It may intimidate you, but you HAVE GOT TO approach them and say hi. They work incredibly hard to make sure our sorority is constantly growing, innovating, and setting a new standard for sororities across the country. AND, they are always looking for impressive, hard-working young women with a passion for leadership to volunteer or work for them. Just a thought...

7. The T-shirt Auction
Yours truly will be auctioning t-shirts at the Educational Foundation T-shirt Auction for the 2nd time! You will be FLOORED when you see how much some women will pay for an old shirt. Last year, I believe one went for $1000... was it $2000? Can't remember, but this event raises some serious money for the Ed Foundation.

8. The Networking
Check out the resume of the speakers: from entrepreneurs to Past International Presidents, to school principals, and everything in between, you're bound to meet someone at Convention that could connect you with their network of professionals. Consider all of the alumna who attend Convention, and the possibilities there!

9. The Photos
C'mon, who doesn't love a "letters in front of Cinderella's Castle" pic? Throw what you know like a princess!

10. The Sunshine
If you're coming from a Northern state, this could be a great retreat from the cold, the windy, or the rainy. As a Southern native, this will be an excellent time to check out the pool.

11. The Dinners
Catered meals? Are you kidding?! My meals mostly consist of Chick-fil-a and Nutribullet Smoothies. This will be a luxurious weekend of nomming.

12. The Park Food

13. The Grand Chapter Meeting
Okay, probably the most intimidating moment of the entire weekend, but it is a MUST DO EXPERIENCE! Imagine your most professional business chapter meetings at your school. Amplify that by 100. At the beginning they line up the official delegates outside the room with their chapter banners, and have them enter in order with all of the pomp and circumstance of a college graduation. Its just sort of surreal. Do it, don't sleep through it!

14. The Alumnae
I may be partial, but the alumnae give that extra oomph that makes Convention a must do experience. If you're lucky, and brave enough to befriend them, they will impart all kinds of anecdotes from school "back in the day". Date parties, housing, and all kinds of shenanigans!

15. The Newbies
If you're attending as an alumnae, this is an excellent way to reconnect with the collegiate sisters from your own chapter, or from chapters you have admired from afar.

16. The Parks
Castles, live animals, drink around the world... What more could you want?
17. The Rooms
Can you say queen sized beds? I'd love to sleep in a fiesta... won't you?

18. The Early Mornings
Starbucks is offered in the parks now! There are four on-site restaurants at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, so there's a good chance you can catch a delicious breakfast from a different place every morning!

19. The Late Nights
Now, I'm not condoning going out and getting smashed every night because that is absolutely idiotic. You want to put your best foot forward when meeting sisters from other chapters and alumnae. However, spending a night out with your new-found favorite sisters from other states is a fantastic idea. Just make sure to cut yourself off super early, hydrate, and get to bed as soon as possible. Be fresh-faced in the morning, but have something to giggle about from the night before.

20. The Professional Development
As a young professional, good PD is hard to come by. Delta Phi Epsilon gives us the opportunity to learn from the best female leaders in the country. Come, take tons of notes, and see how people at home and work respond to the new and improved you!

21. The Pool
Is this photo for real?!

22. The Awards
Last year, I was SHOCKED to receive an award at the DIMES Awards Banquet. I had no idea I was up for an award, and that anyone nominated me. You never know, maybe someone has written a nomination for YOU! You don't want your name to be called and you not be there to receive it, now do you? Didn't think so.

23. The Ritual
I saw a sweet Instapost from an IHQ staff member attending UIFI 2014 and it totally hit the nail on the head. Ritual is the one unchanging thing about any sorority. Fads come and go, but the experience of your ritual is an experience that has been consistent for almost 100 years.

24. The Surprises
You never know what tricks the Convention team has up their sleeves. Remain open and be surprised at the things you'll learn and do.

25. The Sharing
During your free time, you have the opportunity to meet with women from all over the country who have tried events you haven't thought of, and solved problems you could be facing in your own chapter. Come to Convention and take the time to listen.

26. The Sparking
When you attend Convention, you absolutely drink the Kool-aid of sorority love. You'll leave with a renewed energy and enthusiasm to take back and share with your chapter.

27. The Philanthropies
Meet the women who volunteer for the Educational Foundation face-to-face. They will share with you the importance of giving the gift of sisterhood through donations to the Ed Foundation, and help you make sense of how those donations are making a difference in our sisters' lives.

28. The Sisterhood
Sisterhood is for a lifetime. Come meet the women and see the proof!

29. The Legacy
Past International Governing Board Members are a wealth of knowledge regarding the sorority's history and ritual. Come have a conversation with our International Ritualist and get some insight into the meaning of our ritual.

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