Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sorority Crafting Sundays: Sorority Snuggly Heating Pad

Grab a box of tissues, your greatest cold remedy, and your sewing machine and let's get started.

     1. Measure the length and width of your heating pad by laying your bag of rice on top of the fabric and cutting around the excess. 

     2. Layer your cut piece of fabric over your second piece and cut it down to match the size. 

     3. Stack your two pieces of fabric with the right sides facing each other. 

     4. Using your sewing machine, sew 3 of the 4 sides shut. 

     5. Flip the pocket right side out. 

     6. Measure the entire bag of rice. I didn't have a full bag of rice, personally, so I made due with what I had in my pantry. Divide the rice into three equal measurements. 

     7. Measure your pocket and divide it into 3 equal pieces. Mark these sections. 

     8. Pour in 1/3 of your rice and sew the first third of your pocket closed. 

     9. Pour in the 2nd 1/3 of rice into the pocket and pin it closed. Sew along the pin line, being careful not to spill any rice into your machine. I totally did and now I'm very nervous what will happen next time I use it. 

     10. Pour your final third of rice in the final third of your pocket. Pin the fabric closed on the edge of the opening, and sew shut. 

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