Saturday, September 21, 2013

Introducing Sorority Crafting Sundays

Crafts, crafts, crafts, I can't express enough how much I love crafting. I love knitting, crocheting, sewing, gluing, taping, drawing, coloring. I love it all!

When I took my first little sister, I went overboard. This was before monograms were really trendy, and no one was spending $500 a little. I'm talking huge amounts of puff paint, y'all.

Showing your sorority spirit doesn't always mean you need to spend oodles of money at online Greek stores. So many things can be simply and tastefully made.

Tomorrow kicks off Sorority Crafting Sundays. Each Saturday I will post the project, and a shopping list of what you'll need. I'm totally cheap, so most crafts won't cost you more than $15 total.

Our first Sorority Craft Sunday is, drum roll please.............

Sorority Spirit Frocket
I have seen these things everywhere on Pinterest, and they cost like $20 on most sites I've seen. I will show you how to create this one for less than $10. It's a perfect item for a Big Lil Week (or Clue Week, as my Phi Lambda ladies call it) gift.

What you'll need:

  • Cotton t-shirt (found one for $1.99 on sale at Michaels Craft Store)
  • 1/4 of a yard of cotton fabric in the pattern you wish
  • Thread that matches the patterned fabric (When all else fails, just get white or black. Usually either will work with what you choose.)
  • A sewing machine 
  • Stitch Witchery 
  • An iron or a gunk-free hair straightener
Time: about 30 minutes

I hope you'll join me in creating this fun and preppy spirit-wear

Happy crafting!

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